Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care

20th Hong Kong Palliative Care Symposium

20th Hong Kong Palliative Care Symposium

20th Hong Kong Palliative Care Symposium
2025-02-22 (SAT)
09:30 - 17:00
9/F Auditorium
The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Building,
21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Time Content Speakers Chairperson(s)
09:30-10:00 (30 MIN) Registration
Opening Ceremony
10:00-10:05 (5 MIN) Welcome Message Dr. CHAN Kin Sang
Ms. Elane SIU
10:05-10:15 (10 MIN) Officiating speech
Mr. LEE Lik Kong, Eddie
10:15-10:20 (5 MIN) Vote of thanks Prof. WONG Kwok Shing, Thomas
10:20-10:25 (5 MIN) Presentation of Souvenir
10:25-10:30 (5 MIN) Group Photo
Morning Plenary 1
10:30-11:00 (30 MIN)
Anticipatory grief in caregivers of elders with multimorbidity
Prof. Linda LAM
Dr. TSE Man Wah, Doris
11:00-11:15 (15 MIN) Q&A
11:15-11:30 (15 MIN) Break
Morning Plenary 2
11:30-12:00 (30 MIN)
Existential distress & spiritual care
Dr. LAM Wai man
Dr. SUEN Hay Ping, Margaret
12:00-12:15 (15 MIN) Q&A
12:15-12:45 (30 MIN)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Palliative Care
Dr. HO Chun Wing, Jerry
Dr. WONG Kam Hung
12:45-13:00 (15 MIN) Q&A
13:00-14:30 (90 MIN) Lunch
Afternoon Parallel Sessions (Workshops & Free Paper Presentation)
14:30 - 17:00 (150 min.)   Workshop 1
(Room 1003)
Workshop 2
(Room 1001-2)
Free Paper Presentation (9/F Auditorium)
Expressive Arts in palliative care
Skill-based workshop for Advance Care Planning
Selected candidates for the presentations
Chair-person (s)
Ms. LAM Chui Yuk, Jade
Ms. LEUNG Wai Yu, Florence
Facilitator & Coordinator
Prof. CHAN Yue Lai, Helen
Mrs. CHAN Man Yu, Faye
Dr. KWAN Wai Man, Cecilia
Dr. Nancy NG
Ms. Elaine HWANG
Mr. WONG Kar Yin, Francis
Ms. Gigi LAM
Ms. Elane SIU
Ms. Julie FUNG
Dr. HO Chun Wing, Jerry
Ms. LAI Kit Man
Dr. Benjamin CHENG
Morning Sessions, 10:00-13:00
Afternoon Workshop 1, 14:30-17:00
Afternoon Workshop 2, 14:30-17:00
Afternoon Free Paper Presentation, 14:30-17:00
HK$350  Registration has expired

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